As a parish, we have had a phenomenal year. The good people of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton continue to generously provide for the needs of the parish by your weekly offertory giving even under the trying circumstances of a global pandemic. You have continued to fulfill your pledges to our capital campaign to repair our parking lot and roofs. You live out your Gospel calling to support many programs of our parish to respond to others in need. We are incredibly grateful for the support and stewardship lived out by those who have sacrificed and supported these efforts.
We also have an obligation to fulfill a Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) goal to the Archdiocese. Our 2023 target goal is $84,451.
The past 9 years, we have concentrated our parish Lenten Almsgiving efforts on the CSA. The CSA allows all parishes of the diocese to participate in works of spreading the Gospel in Southeast Michigan in a way that we could not accomplish on our own. Some of the programs funded by CSA include:
Ways to Participate:
Thank you for your help!